Help your customers find you online

Use Cases
October 13, 2020

here’s no question that businesses need to be on social media. It’s a place where customers can find out what you do, where you are, and how to contact you. It tells people that your business is legitimate and trustworthy. If you don’t have a website, it’s the only way someone will discover you online.

With multiple profiles spread around the internet, it helps to have one central place where your customers can find you. See seven ways a bio link from is great for your business.

With you can unify your online presence across platforms with one multi-functional bio link.

1. All your social media in one place

By having all your social accounts linked in one place your visitors can easily find and follow you on their favorite platform, increasing the ability you have to reach them.

2. Contact buttons and map links

One of the easiest ways to lose a customer is to make it difficult for them to contact you. On your page we prominently display your contact buttons right at the top of your page so customers can call, text, or email you. If you have multiple locations you can include additional contact buttons in the link section. You’re also able to link to to your store's location so with one click customers are mapped to your business.

3. Showcase your commercials and product videos

With our embed feature you can show off your latest commercials or product videos right on your page, giving your customers a complete understanding of your business.

4. One-click like follow & subscribe

By using our special one-click social buttons your customers can Like your Facebook page, Follow you on Twitter, and Subscribe to your YouTube channel without leaving your page. This allows you to increase your following and reach your customers more reliably with your social media marketing efforts.

5. List sales, products, and more

Beyond just linking your other social media accounts, you can also link your company's website, a place to leave a review, your product catalog, your menu, your blog, or anything else that has a URL. You can even use our link scheduling feature to time sales, promotions, or announcements ahead of time.

6. Capture customer emails

With our simple one field email capture your visitors can quickly sign up for your email list. We integrate with Mailchimp so the emails go directly into your list where you can set up email blasts and other powerful automations.

7. Install Facebook Pixel

Track page views and link clicks with your Facebook Pixel to run more targeted campaigns.


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