Custom links added to your page can receive a boost in search engine rankings
Automatically updating tour dates can be added onto your page as an embed from Songkick, Bandsintown, or Seated.
With multiple pages it is possible to add a unique custom domain for each page, or use the same domain across your pages.
Add live streams from Twitch, Kick, and Facebook so visitors can tune in right from your page.
The default round profile picture frame can be adjusted to be either square or hidden entirely from the Appearance section in the Page Editor.
A favicon is the small icon shown in the title or tab bar of a web page and on website bookmarks. You can change your page's favicon to match your brand or identity.
Page link URLs are not case-sensitive, so they can be adjusted as you desire when sharing for improved readability or style.
Using a Calendly embed instead of a link provides a seamless on-page scheduling experience for your visitors.
Find high resolution royalty free images and videos to use for your page's background.
The Extensions page includes a list of all the platform embeds and integrations available for your page. The Learn More link for each embed also includes steps on how to easily find and add the the embed.
Create the perfect background image for your page with our downloadable template.
Create a duplicate version of your page instead of recreating from scratch. This is a huge time saver for businesses that need a page for each of their locations, employees, events, or many other use cases.
Autoplay videos from YouTube or Vimeo by adding &autoplay to the end of your embed url.
Hide or display follower, subscriber, or user counts for your page's action buttons.
On top of recognizing the link and handling all the embed code on our end, we also auto-detect the content type to display the perfect embed for each one.
Accept payments, donations, subscriptions, and more from your bio link by using Stripe Payment Links.
Personalize your invite link to share with others instead of using the randomly generated default.
If you have under 1000 followers on TikTok you can activate the bio link feature by switching to a Business account.
Add the dashboard to your home screen for easy access.
Your page link can be added as the website on your contact card so anyone you share it with has the most up-to-date information.
Allow visitors to copy text instead of taking them to a web destination. This is perfect for discount codes, usernames, crypto addresses and more.
Downloadable QR codes for your pages can be generated using the icon at the top of the Page Editor. These codes can be printed out on business cards, or anywhere else, to link your pages in the physical world.
You can easily move a page or username from one account to another from the Transfer page.
Hide links from your page without deleting them by archiving them.
The Branding Resources page contains logos, icons, and other assets that can be used on your own website or elsewhere as needed.
Contact buttons can be adjusted to display your email, phone number, or username instead of the button type.
Schedule your links to display or be hidden at a certain date and time. This feature is perfect for music releases, ticket sales, limited time offers and more.
New pages are automatically submitted to search engines for indexing on a daily basis to increase their visibility. If you would prefer your page to not be indexed or show up in search results, simply contact support and this option can be set for you.
Crypto is now accepted as an alternative payment method for annual plan upgrades.
While on the Professional Plan, additional page slots beyond the five included can be purchased from the Billing page. Additional pages are $3/month or $24/year.
Adding a user as a collaborator to a page allows them to edit and view its analytics. From the Account page you can send a collaborator invite to anyone via email when you're on the Professional Plan.
The custom domain feature can alternatively be used to load your pages from a custom subdomain of your choosing on a domain name you currently own or manage.
Add an extra layer of security to your account with Two-Factor Authentication. This feature is available for all users from the bottom of the Account page.
If you have many links on your page, turning on Link Search can help your visitors find what they want quickly. This feature can be found at the bottom of the Page Editor under Integrations.
You can white label your page by hiding the branding from the bottom. While on the Professional Plan, simply switch the Branding toggle off from the Appearance section in the Page Editor.
Sharing your page link outside of your bio in the real world is easy with NFC Portals. Portals can be placed anywhere, and with one tap people can instantly access your page on their iPhone or Android device.
When sharing your link via QR code or NFC Portal, you can include an Add Contact button on your page by adding ?add at the end of your link URL.
Embed your latest YouTube video on your page automatically without needing to update the link.
You can set an animated GIF as your profile picture while on the Personal Plan and above.
Spacers (blank space) can be added between links and embeds on your page by adding a section with a blank title.
The theme or background color of your page determines the accent color used for multiple different elements.
The links at the bottom of your page will automatically use your affiliate invite link when on the Professional Plan. With our Affiliate Program you can earn monthly recurring commission from your referrals.
Email, call, and text buttons can be added as normal links by using special URLs starting with mailto:, tel:, and sms:.
YouTube video and playlist embeds on your page can be set to automatically loop by manually adding &loop=1 to the end of the URL in the Page Editor.
You can quickly view your live page by clicking (or tapping) your username in the dashboard navigation.
The URL for links on your page can be hidden entirely by turning on Custom Subtitle and leaving it blank.
Find the perfect background color for your page using the color picker, or enter a any hex code for a precise custom color.